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What’s your child’s gut trying to tell you?

You’re a pro at reading your child. So when he starts to cry, burp and pass a lot of gas, you know that something’s clearly causing him discomfort. What you might not realise is that it’s coming from his gut.


Let’s take a closer look at your precious one’s tummy to better understand it:


Tummy Troubles

If your child is on formula milk, that discomfort could be due to the way his formula milk was processed. How easily he or she digest the nutrient* in formula milk depends on how close the nutrient* is to its natural state.

Heating Milk

Milk can’t be overheated

While heat is essential in the production of formula milk, overheating can damage the structure of the natural nutrient* in milk protein, making the milk protein harder for delicate tummies to digest.1

Glowing Child

A Stress-free gut

When the milk protein is easy to digest, your child’s gut is likely to get less stressed and there is also likely less chance of him or her getting constipated. A gut that’s healthy means good digestion and absorption of nutrients for your child’s development.

At Friso, we know how important it is not to overheat the milk from our cows. Our LockNutri technology uses low heat to keep the nutrient* in milk as close to its natural state as possible so it is easy to digest.

 *refers to an essential amino acid (lysine) in milk protein.



1’Heat treatment of milk during powder manufacture increases casein resistance to simulated infant digestion’ from ResearchGate